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Solo Travel

The Top 10 Places to Travel as a Solo Female (Affordable Places to Visit)


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When looking for the best places for solo female travelers, safety and affordability should be your top priorities.

While it can be easy to just bask in the unknown that comes with solo travel, solo traveling as a female does come with a set of risks that men may not experience.

This is why we have created this insider guide to the cheapest and safest places to travel as a solo female. Because women deserve to have fun solo traveling too!

All you have to do is pick your favourite, book your ticket, and get ready for a trip of a lifetime.

What are the advantages of travelling alone?

Depending on who you speak to, solo traveling can either be daunting or one of the most exciting possibilities ever.

When done right, solo traveling is a life changing experience.

When solo traveling, you are thrown into situations where you are forced to push yourself out of your comfort zone. During these times, you evolve as a person. So much so, you may return home with a completely new perspective on life.

You also meet so many more people when solo traveling because you don’t have the safety net of having a friend by your side. You are basically forced into making friends unless you want to spend the entire trip alone.

The memories you make with these people are incredible and you might find yourself some friends for life.

Finally, you can be selfish.

You can visit the places that you want to visit exactly when you want to. In simple terms, nobody is telling you what to do. You can spend your day lounging at the beach or touring the best museums all at your own leisure.

Tips for first time solo female travelers

Solo travel as a woman can be an empowering experience. The journey you go on with solo traveling is one of self-discovery, independence, and resilience.

That being said, there are specific tips for solo travelers that you should keep in mind.

Do your research

When looking for cheap places for solo travel as a woman, you need to do your research. Planning your trip will not only keep you safer but it will reduce the stress and cost of traveling too.

When planning the locations that you would like to visit, it is important to understand their currency, crime rates, and even get acquainted with potential scams that tourists may fall victim to.

Book accommodation & attractions in advance 

Securing safe accommodation is vital. Do not just show up to a country without having a safe place to return to in the evenings. That will not end well for your bank account.

You’ll be surprised at how easily hotels get booked up in tourist-filled destinations. If you don’t book accommodation in advance, you may find yourself paying double or even triple what you could have paid.

With that in mind, you don’t have to break the bank and stay in a luxury hotel in the name of safety. Hostels offer private rooms and female-only dorms, just be sure to check the reviews first.

Additionally, if you're tightening up the purse strings on this trip, booking the attractions that you would like to see ahead of time will also save you money.

Let somebody know where you are

As much as going off-grid and escaping into a new reality sounds like fun, you need to tell someone where you are and where you plan to go next.

Not only will this help to keep you safe but it will also be reassuring for your friends and family back home

Have photocopies of important documents

Keeping photocopies of your passport and ID cards is a great way to ensure your safety while in a foreign country. Will you ever need to use them? Probably not. But it’s good to have these, just in case.

If you can, you should also try to keep copies online and any important documents should be well looked after.

10 places for solo female travelers

Now you know how to plan ahead for your solo travel adventures, here are the top 10 places for solo female travelers.

Prague, Czech Republic

Some people consider the Czech Republic one of the safest places to travel alone as a woman.

Prague, in particular, is well worth considering for your travel bucket list. From whimsical towns, mediaeval-themed restaurants, and dungeon tours, there will never be a dull moment here.

The Czech Republic has built an inclusive reputation and is often a first choice when solo traveling as a woman. The crime rates are low and the locals are very welcoming of tourists.

Guatemala, Central America 

Guatemala is a top contender for the safest place to travel alone as a woman.

If you have dreams of visiting Costa Rica but don’t want to have to take out a loan, Guatemala is your best bet.

Guatemala is filled with national parks, mesmerizing lakes, and scenic hiking trails. Could there be a better destination to kick off your solo travels?

It’s unlikely that you will encounter any situation that makes you feel uncomfortable while being here. However, it’s good practice to have a level of self-awareness in busy areas of Guatemala and during the evening.

Florida, United States 

Whether America is on your bucket list or you already live in the US, Florida is a great location for first-time solo travelers.

Florida is the ultimate beach getaway location. The state has a laid-back atmosphere that radiates everywhere you go.

If you visit during early fall, you will get great deals on hotels and the weather will still be warm enough to enjoy the beaches.

The only thing to keep in mind when traveling to Florida is that it is well-known for its drinking culture. Just try to be more aware during the evenings if you are indulging in the nightlife scene.

Mirissa, Sri Lanka

There are so many things to do in Mirissa, Sri Lanka, you will be spoilt for choice.

From botanical gardens to magnificent temples and sandy beaches, you will be in awe of the natural beauty here.

Women are required to dress more modestly in Sri Lanka when in public but for the most part, this is a safe destination to visit.

Warsaw, Poland

If you are wondering “is Poland expensive?” you may be surprised to find out that this is a very affordable place to visit, especially for Europe. Poland comes alive during the spring and summer months with various beautiful gardens to explore.

Poland has actually gained a reputation for its almost overwhelmingly friendly people.

While you may experience pickpockets in tourist areas, you will feel extremely safe in Poland.

Porto, Portugal

When looking for the best places to travel to alone, Portugal is a great option.

If you’re visiting smaller cities such as Porto, you will feel far safer than if you visit the capital city, Lisbon. However, crime rates are practically non-existent in Portugal.

Portugal is also known for its tourism. If you plan to visit Portugal during the Spring or summer months, you will fit right in amongst many other solo travelers enjoying the sun.

Halong Bay, Vietnam

Located in southeast Asia, Vietnam shouldn’t be overlooked as a travel destination.

More and more people are avoiding popular areas such as Bali and trying out Vietnam instead. Vietnam is well known for its Yoga, temples, and cascading waterfall backdrops.

You could always consider booking an affordable yoga retreat where you will be guided by locals around the best hidden gems.

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Thailand offers another affordable and safe place to visit in the form of Chiang Mai.

This is not only because of the low prices, nature, and relaxing atmosphere but the country is set up to support backpackers. There are plenty of cheap hostels that emulate hotels.

Your days here will be spent visiting temples, practicing yoga on the beach, and hiking to waterfalls.

Because of its popularity with solo travelers, you will feel very safe visiting this location.

There are also many guided tours that you can join to meet other travelers backpacking across Asia.

Kamakura, Japan

Hear us out on this one, compared to Western countries, Japan is very affordable. You will just have to plan ahead and consider visiting during the fall or winter to secure the best prices.

The entire country of Japan prioritizes cleanliness and you can just feel the mutual respect that everyone has for each other here. People feel safe enough to sleep in public sleeping pods which should tell you something about the safe atmosphere.

This country is also extremely welcoming to tourists and the Japanese locals always go out of their way to help.


What is the cheapest and safest country for solo travel?

Portugal is considered the cheapest and safest country for travel in Europe. With almost non-existent crime rates and cheap accommodation to suit everyone. Offering amazing city stays like Lisbon and Porto alongside stunning costal beach stays in the Algarve. If you are looking for a non-western safe and affordable place to visit, Vietnam is a perfect place to consider.

Where can I find female solo travel trips?

There are many free resources available to find solo female travel tips including Facebook, Instagram and other social platforms. Facebook groups can be a great way to meet other solo female travelers and share ideas or past experiences. Tripadvisor offers a solo travel forum to discus tips and ideas alongside meetup.com who offer groups and events for solo female travelers.

Are hostels safe for solo female travelers?

Solo female travel is considered a safe, with various accommodations available around the world. With that said, it is suggested that before travelling you should exercise precaution and prepare for your travel. Some tips to increase the safety of solo travel include reading accommodations reviews before visiting and carrying a printed copy of your important documents.

Is solo female travel safe?

Some countries are more safe than others when it comes to female solo travel. However, when following safety precautions, women should feel safe in the majority of countries. Solo female travel is increasingly popular as millions of females travel solo each year. Researching locations, hotels and local culture are some of the precautions users online advise solo female travels to take.

Key takeaways

Those were the best places for solo female travellers and honestly, we’re impressed!

There is such a variety of locations that you can visit while on a budget. From topping up your tan in Florida to enjoying the abundance of nature in Thailand, your solo traveling adventure will take you all across the globe.

To keep your trip budget-friendly, try to plan ahead as much as possible. pre-booking tickets for attractions and hotels can seriously decrease the cost of your trip.

Finally, it’s important to follow safety precautions as a female solo traveler no matter which location you visit. Being aware of pickpockets and avoiding areas that feel a little shady will help ensure you have the best trip possible.

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